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전체검색 섹션검색 게시판검색 네이버검색
네이버 전문자료
Sequence analysis of the AAA protein family
Abstract 10.1002/pro.5560061001.abs The AAA protein family, a recently recognized group of Walker‐type ATPases, has been subjected t
AAA+ superfamily ATPases: common structure–diverse function
The AAA+ superfamily of ATPases, which contain a homologous ATPase module, are found in all kingdoms of living organisms where they pa
Structure and function of the AAA+ nucleotide binding pocket
AbstractMembers of the diverse superfamily of AAA+ proteins are molecular machines responsible for a wide range of essential cellular
The Vps4p AAA ATPase regulates membrane association of a Vps protein complex required for normal
Vps4p is an AAA-type ATPase required for efficient transport of biosynthetic and endocytic cargo from an endosome to the lysosome-like
AAA+ ATPases: Achieving Diversity of Function with Conserved Machinery
AAA+ adenosine triphosphatases (ATPases) are molecular machines that perform a wide variety of cellular functions. For instance, they
Evolutionary relationships and structural mechanisms of AAA+ proteins.
Complex cellular events commonly depend on the activity of molecular "machines" that efficiently couple enzymatic and regulatory funct
Structural basis of protein translocation by the Vps4-Vta1 AAA ATPase.
Many important cellular membrane fission reactions are driven by ESCRT pathways, which culminate in disassembly of ESCRT-III polymers
Structure of a AAA+ unfoldase in the process of unfolding substrate.
AAA+ unfoldases are thought to unfold substrate through the central pore of their hexameric structures, but how this process occurs is
The AAA ATPase Cdc48/p97 and its partners transport proteins from the ER into the cytosol.
In eukaryotic cells, incorrectly folded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are exported into the cytosol and degraded by the p
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