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네이버 전문자료
The Impact of Academic Accounting Research on Professional Practice: An Analysis by the AAA Rese
AAA+: A class of chaperone-like ATPases associated with the assembly, operation, and disassembly
Using a combination of computer methods for iterative database searches and multiple sequence alignment, we show that protein sequence
The AAA-ATPase p97 is essential for outer mitochondrial membrane protein turnover
Recent studies have revealed a role for the Ub/proteasome system in the regulation and turnover of OMM-associated proteins. The data p
The AAA team: related ATPases with diverse functions
A new family of related ATPases has emerged, characterized by a highly conserved AAA motif. This motif forms a 230-amino-acid domain t
Emerging functions of the VCP/p97 AAA-ATPase in the ubiquitin system.
Adenosine Triphosphatases, genetics, metabolism, Autophagy, Cell Cycle Proteins, Endosomes, Genetic Predisposition to Disease, Human
AAA proteins
Abstract AAA proteins have entered the molecular realm after being known primarily for their wide range of different functions. S
AAA+ proteases: ATP-fueled machines of protein destruction.
ATP-Dependent Proteases, chemistry, genetics, metabolism, Adenosine Triphosphate, Catalytic Domain, Models, Molecular, Nucleotides,
The molecular principles governing the activity and functional diversity of AAA+ proteins.
ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities (AAA+ proteins) are macromolecular machines that convert the chemical energy conta
AAA+ proteins: have engine, will work
Adenosine Triphosphatases, chemistry, genetics, metabolism, Animals, Catalysis, Conserved Sequence, Crystallography, X-Ray, DNA Repl
Conserved arginine residues implicated in ATP hydrolysis, nucleotide-sensing, and inter-subunit
Arginines are a recurrent feature of the active sites and subunit interfaces of the ATPase domains of AAA and AAA+ proteins. In partic
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